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g-Backup infinite

The past is immutable

g-Backup Infinite stores infinite versions of your files based on date and time of modification, creating a time machine for your computer. Choose the date, time and minute and retrieve the files you need. A revolution in the world of business backup.

Make it safe, make it Gigas

Let's get back to the future - Emmet Brown | Back to the Future
logos next generation

How does g-Backup Infinite work?

g-backup infinite installation

Install the agent on your computer.

g-backup infinite file copy

After each write to disk, a copy of your files will be made.

g-backup infinite restore agent

When you need it, access the recovery panel.

g-backup infinite navigation

Select a date and recover your files by browsing through the folders of that specific time.


g-Backup Infinite 256 GB

9€ /month


g-Backup Infinite 512 GB

15€ /month

g-Backup Infinite 1.024 GB

25€ /month

g-Backup Infinite 256 GB

90€ /year


g-Backup Infinite 512 GB

150€ /year

g-Backup Infinite 1.024 GB

250€ /year

What does g-Backup Infinite include?

  • An annual download of the complete equipment
  • Simple interface for accessing the backup disk
  • Unlimited file restoration
  • 6-month retention
  • One license for Windows 10/11 device


What are the chances of a disc being corrupted twice in a year?


One image download of a complete additional device


g-Backup as a Service

Guarantee for the continuity of your business in the event of failures, errors, or ransomware attacks.

disk image icon

Full disk image on every write

inmutable icon

Totally immutable

encripted icon

Secure and encrypted

web interface icon

Intuitive and responsive web interface

ahorro icon


eficiency icon

Highly efficient and runs in the background, with a low impact on performance

g-Backup as a Service

Guarantee for the continuity of your business in the event of failures, errors, or ransomware attacks.

disk image icon

Full disk image on every write

inmutable icon

Totally immutable

encripted icon

Secure and encrypted

web interface icon

Intuitive and responsive web interface

ahorro icon


eficiency icon

Highly efficient and runs in the background, with a low impact on performance


Browse dates and access your computer's folder history. You can recover single files, entire disks and even complete images of your computers.

The only solution to include


Unique solution developed by Gigas

More advantages for your business

simplicity icon

Easy to use:

Infinite backup images are relatively simple to set up and manage. Simply install an agent and manage it via a web portal. Quick and easy point-in-time recovery.

rentability restore


Since the images are point-in-time copies, they require less storage space compared to other traditional solutions.

control version icon

Version control:

The imaging systems provide a file version log, allowing users to retrieve previous versions as and when needed.

save data icon

Real-time protection:

Data changes are captured after every single disk write, thus minimising data loss, even in the event of network problems.

granularity icon


Offering a range of recovery options, allowing you to restore files or data back to a specific point in time.

no data loss icon

No data loss:

Capable of achieving a very low recovery point objective (RPO).

low overload icon

Low overhead:

The images generate less performance overhead compared to legacy solutions, making them ideal for resource-constrained environments.

quick recovery icon

Rapid recovery:

As it is an image-based solution.

Road? Where we're going, we don't need roads.
-- Back to the Future


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